Twinkling eyes & an engaging smile light up the face of Koichi Watanabe, the founder and creative tofu maker behind Soyarie Inc.
He is obviously a man who enjoys what he does and takes pride in his business. However Koichi’s road to expertise with tofu was not as easy or straightforward as it could have been, given that his older brother, Masaru, had been in the business of producing tofu for several years. However, he managed to raise the quality of the final products to develop La Soyarie!
Soyarie offers two product lines, a wide variety of ready-to-eat tofu products as well as quality organic tofu blocks. The traditional Japanese method used to prepare the Soyarie quality tofu also provides the Okara and soymilk. They also offer you the opportunity to buy in bulk for multiple quality ingredients they use in preparing their vegetarian products.